Tips and news on EU Projects Europa Media Trainings
Prepare for Horizon Europe!
Evaluation Criteria in Horizon Europe: What's New?
The proposal templates changed, and so has the evaluation criteria.
Our expert trainer Gabriella summarised what evaluators will look out for when proposals are equally scored and other key changes.
Read our blog here
tip of the month Tips from our experts
Proposal Writing: Geographical balance.

Just like in Horizon 2020, you need to consider it. But finding the best capacity for the research project and scope is still the priority. However, geographical balance may be relevant when proposals are equally scored.

Check out our free learning materials here and templates here
questions and answers Q&A from our participants
Project Management: Consortium Agreement.

Can the Consortium Agreement be changed during project implementation? Yes, it can. It's not a common practice, but it can be modified if all partners agree.
Upcoming webinars
Get it right! - Horizon Europe Proposal Writing Series
This series is aimed at those of you who are about to submit a proposal under the upcoming Horizon Europe deadlines. Together, we will make sure you adequately consider all the new aspects of the new templates and requirements, such as impact, indicators and budget development. You can attend the whole series or each session separately.
Join us!
Master of Finance – Financial Rules in EU Research and Innovation Projects
You will meet with our expert trainer Gabor for three afternoons to learn from his 20+ years of experience in EU projects. Focusing on general rules and differences between Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe, this webinar will help you be more confident when submitting your next financial report or undergoing an EC audit. You can attend the whole series or each session separately.
Join us!
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selected events Event
Are you interested in Climate, Energy and Mobility? Then join the Info Day on Cluster 5 calls. No registration required.

Date: 3 February, 10:00 - 16:45 CET
Learn more
selected calls Open call
Perhaps after the Cluster 5 Info Day you'll have more ideas for the upcoming Climate, Energy and Mobility open calls?
Let’s help Europe achieve climate neutrality by 2050!
Check the call
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