Our Projects
Financing and Innovation Ecosystems for SMEs to innovate for Raw materials and Circular Economy solutions and using downstream space technologies

Restoring Ecosystems to Stop the Threat of Re-Emerging Infectious Disease

Bioprocesses for metabolite production from marine invertebrate cell lines

Analysing of Fossil-Energy Dependence in Agriculture to Increase Resilience against Input Price Fluctuations

Rewilding and Restoration of Intertidal Sediment Ecosystems for Carbon Sequestration, Climate Adaptation and Biodiversity Support

Women in Blue Economy Intelligence Gathering and Capacity Boosting

Aragon's Regional Hub for circularity: Demonstration of local industrial-urban symbiosis initiatives
ConstructSkills 4LIFE
Rebooting the National Platforms for the development of construction skills for all life cycle phases of buildings in Hungary

European Centre of Excellence on Inclusive Gender Equality in Research & Innovation: Creating Knowledge & Engaging in Collaborative Action

Gap resolutIon in sAfety, NuTritional, alLergenicity and Environmental assessments to promote Alternative Protein utilization and the dietary Shift

Empowering the Central and Eastern European Countries to Develop Bioeconomy Strategies and Action Plans

Agile Exploration and Geo-modelling for European Critical Raw materials

Let’s be partners in EU projects!
Our sister companies Europa Media and Geonardo can be the perfect experienced partner for your EU projects.
Both companies sum up more than 20 years of experience in project coordination, dissemination, eLearning, technical and environmental tasks and much more.
Meet your next project partner!
Both companies sum up more than 20 years of experience in project coordination, dissemination, eLearning, technical and environmental tasks and much more.
Meet your next project partner!
Working on R&I projects is a long and winding road filled with new encounters, discoveries, and challenges. We are coordinators, work package leaders, evaluators and we’ve been involved in more than five hundred proposals over the years. What makes us unique is the ability of transforming this experience into your knowledge with our courses.