Proposal Writing

We support your proposal development from the concept phase until submission
R&I Strategy

R&I Strategy

If you would like to get more involved in EU projects but simply do not know where to start, we can help you first see if your organisation can apply to receive EU funds and then we can show you which funds are most suitable for your organisation. 

If you know that your organisation has great strengths, but you have trouble mapping these properly, we can help you map the organisational strengths, opportunities, and weaknesses to assist you in successful networking, partnership building, motivation of researchers, and developing a focused focus R&I strategy, etc. We would achieve that through desk research and conducting interviews with key personnel. 

Proposal writing

Proposal writing

We can support our clients in formulating and finalising the draft concept for a specific call.

Our consultant may help the Client select the appropriate partners for their consortium. The actual proposal writing is a collaboration between the consultant and the Client where all parts of the proposal will be developed with the help of all partners. EM experts in general, coordinate the process, collect the contribution, and comment along the way. We also organise a workshop to explain certain methodologies for writing the methodology, the impact pathways, or the work plan.

The consultant will explain the requirements of the proposal form in terms of content, evaluation criteria, documentation and other relevant information (e.g., statistics, graphs, etc.).  Our expertise also covers writing section 2.2 on dissemination, communication, exploitation, and IPR management – we can thus support our Clients in planning the measures that maximise their impact. The project budget development and its distribution between work packages and partners will happen in cooperation with all consortium partners. EM experts can help the coordination of this complex work. 

The service may include specific training and mentoring for the coordinator’s team. 

Please note:  
“The Consultant will not develop the scientific content of the project proposal. The subject of the assignment is to support the Client with developing the Project concept, its structure, objectives, budget, work packages, dissemination and exploitation and filling in the administrative forms.” 



If you have a great idea for a specific open call but you’re having trouble writing it down,  

We can help you develop your thoughts and structure them to meet all the requirements. (Concept assessment) 

We can pre-evaluate your (final) draft proposal in 1-3 steps and help you see what needs restructuring or improvement before submission.  (Proposal evaluation) 

If you have written proposals in the past, were not selected to be funded but would like to know if they can be given another chance at future calls, we can analyse them and help you see what was good or bad and how to give it another try. (Evaluation of re-submission) 

Get in touch!

Do you have any questions?

Your consulting journey

  • Let’s chat

    Calls and e-mails will help us understand your needs  
  • Offer

    Expect a detail plan with timeline, service type, references, and price  
  • Approval

    Take some time to ask us anything that’s not clear 
  • Let’s start!

    Hourly, monthly or yearly collaboration -we’re ready! 
  • You helped me sharpen the Horizon Europe application with several rounds of revisions, all extremely detailed and helpful to take our draft to the next level. You were always available to talk and exchange ideas and opinions about the best way to address difficult issues. The whole team was incredibly helpful, too: always available to answer my questions with kindness and high professionalism, delivering high-quality consultancy.

    Margherita Paola Poto, UIT Norway

  • Impact Exercises webinar gave me the chance to go deeper into the Horizon Europe novelties when featuring impacts. As always with Europa Media, the training has been delivered in a very professional manner and with several practical examples and first-hand experience in EU-funded projects

    R2M Solution Srtl

  • A highly informative and well-structured introduction to impact in proposal writing for Horizon Europe. The trainer was very knowledgeable and the course had a great mix of presentations, networking and hands-on activities.

    Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Organisations we worked with 

Over the years we worked with many great organisations across the world

Agricultural Institute of Slovenia
Danish Technology Institue
University of the Basque Country