We have collected tips and tricks, lists, charts and advice during more than 500 EU funded projects, and we are sharing
them with you free of charge - feel free to suggest the content you would like to see on this page!
Free videos and webinars
Based on our 20-years' experience, we have prepared these videos on proposal development, project management, financial issues, and quick tips and tricks on different topics.
Learning materials
Find factsheets, Q&As and informative documents to support you along your Horizon Europe journey
Proposal writing checklist
This checklist will help you in following all steps to smoothly write your Horizon Europe proposal. It also contains tips on each proposal writing step, and useful templates and guidelines, from both the European Commission and our very own pool of free resources.
Horizon Europe Annotated Periodic Report Template
This document will guide you through the official Horizon Europe Periodic Report Template. Our trainers’ annotations show you how to deal with each step of continuous and periodic reporting.
Project management and reporting checklist
This checklist will help you in following all steps to smoothly implement and report your project. It also contains tips on each project implementation step, and useful templates and guidelines, from both the European Commission and our very own pool of free resources.
Use our own templates – proven successful during our
own projects' implementation!
own projects' implementation!