Design and Communication

From proposal strategy to full branding and everything in between
Branding and Graphic Design

Branding and Graphic Design

Treat your EU project as a brand that reflects its core values and objectives through a strong and distinctive visual identity with the goal to be recognised by your audience and create impact.

We can go through this process together!
Our experts will help you develop a unique and consistent brand for your EU project designing  the logo,  fonts, colours, shapes and forms,  visuals and any other materials which will help you to convey your key messages.

To make your project stand out in front of the eyes of the evaluators, the preparation of the project’s visual identity will begin at the proposal stage. If not, our help can be even more valuable when your project gets funded when it’s the time to build your brand!

See Our Portfolio

Strategic Digital Communication

Strategic Digital Communication

We cannot afford not to be careful about what we say and how. The work you invested behind each proposal is way too much to just let it be. Sending a message out and hoping for the best, is not usually the best solution. It never is, actually!

Observing your audience, thinking as they do and testing different techniques are all part of the game. Don’t'be impatient and prick up your ears: if you listen carefully data and numbers will speak back to you and tell you what the right path is!

Don’t use the same recipe for everyone. It doesn't work like this!

In your EU project, communication starts from proposal stage. Who is going to be the ultimate beneficiary of your carefully planned project? Who will be interested? Usually, we dedicate a work package to Dissemination and Communication and, especially with the upcoming Horizon Europe, the next EU Research and Innovation programme, its importance will grow.

Our strategic digital communication consultancy includes:  

  •     Mapping out who the right audience is
  •     Selecting the right channels for your audience  
  •     Setting out a Digital Communication Strategy

If you are at proposal stage, we can draft your Dissemination & Communication work package.

Content creation & Social media management

Content creation & Social media management

As they say, content is the king!

Meaning that your project’s website should be updated frequently with valuable content which aligns with the needs and interests of your target groups and informs about your projects development and results! Based on our experience, in the Dissemination and Communication Plan, there are usually KPIs on the number of visitors in the website, number of blog posts, number of news items and press releases. To achieve them, there is a lot of work to be done!  

We can help you:

  1.     Build a precise content plan;  
  2.     Find topics relevant in your field and assist you in the content process; 
  3.     Engage your partners in the content creation process ;
  4.     Write key messages and adjust the language and tone for your social media accounts, dissemination materials, website, online campaigns etc.

Some of our work

Get in touch!

Do you have any questions?

Your consulting journey

  • Let’s chat

    Calls and e-mails will help us understand your needs  
  • Offer

    Expect a detail plan with timeline, service type, references, and price  
  • Approval

    Take some time to ask us anything that’s not clear 
  • Let’s start!

    Hourly, monthly or yearly collaboration -we’re ready! 
You helped me sharpen the Horizon Europe application with several rounds of revisions, all extremely detailed and helpful to take our draft to the next level. You were always available to talk and exchange ideas and opinions about the best way to address difficult issues. The whole team was incredibly helpful, too: always available to answer my questions with kindness and high professionalism, delivering high-quality consultancy.

Margherita Paola Poto, UIT Norway

Organisations we worked with 

Over the years we worked with many great organisations across the world

Agricultural Institute of Slovenia
Danish Technology Institue
University of the Basque Country