Work With Us
Become our intern
Note that we always have room for innovative, creative, open-minded and goal-oriented interns to join our team. The successful candidates will be dealing with EU project development and management, covering a wide range of topics (entrepreneurship, international cooperation, renewable energy and energy efficiency, environmental technologies, climate change, etc.).
Interns with an ambition to escalate their practical know-how and skills in developing and managing projects under
the EU's research and innovation programmes will have the chance to work on real projects of Europa Media Non-profit
Ltd. and/or Geonardo Ltd.
They will develop innovative project concepts responding to actual calls for proposals published under the Horizon
Europe and ERASMUS+ programmes.
Internships last 4 to 6 months, and a mentor, an experienced project manager, is assigned to each intern. As this is a full-time internship based in Budapest, Hungary, the candidates shall be ideally based in Budapest or willing to invest in the necessary move to Budapest. We will compensate the trainees with a monthly contribution to their living arrangements.
If you are ready to turn your theoretical knowledge into practice, contact us for more information or send your
resume to