Financial Management

We help you prepare for the big financial steps such as reports or audits
Budget development or financial reporting

Budget development or financial reporting

Any-day support: We can support any financial matter with a certain number of days available/year. This could be used for a complete assessment of your financial administrative system, budget check for proposals or financial statement checks at the time of reporting.  

Ad-hoc or time-bound: We can support you when you need it – e.g. in each reporting period (as an example, you book our expert 2 times for 3 months of support in your 3-year project in advance).   



Your financial department fully understands the accounting rules of your country and organisation. You need to align this system with Horizon 2020 financial reporting rules and Horizon Europe cost reporting rules. Cost calculations, internal invoicing, remuneration for projects, and timekeeping are changing from H2020 to HE, and you need to be fully aware of how to deal with those differences. Proper alignment with your accounting is a must.  

A mock audit is one way to prevent a small mistake from turning into a huge problem.   

Maybe you have been audited by the European Commission, and you’ve been asked to correct your system and procedures to avoid any negative consequences. Or perhaps you will have an official EC audit soon...

Whatever the situation is, our financial expert can run a complete mock audit with you and make sure you go through a whole audit 100% bulletproof.   

Through the simulation, we’ll make sure you’re administrative, and financial procedures are fully compliant with the requirements that EU projects need to follow based on the Grant Agreement. 

Get in touch!

Do you have any questions?

Your consulting journey

  • Let’s chat

    Calls and e-mails will help us understand your needs  
  • Offer

    Expect a detail plan with timeline, service type, references, and price  
  • Approval

    Take some time to ask us anything that’s not clear 
  • Let’s start!

    Hourly, monthly or yearly collaboration -we’re ready! 
You helped me sharpen the Horizon Europe application with several rounds of revisions, all extremely detailed and helpful to take our draft to the next level. You were always available to talk and exchange ideas and opinions about the best way to address difficult issues. The whole team was incredibly helpful, too: always available to answer my questions with kindness and high professionalism, delivering high-quality consultancy.

Margherita Paola Poto, UIT Norway

Organisations we worked with 

Over the years we worked with many great organisations across the world

Agricultural Institute of Slovenia
Danish Technology Institue
University of the Basque Country