Someone recently asked me what I like the most with my job. One really good thing is to have the possibility to help people. To help people to obtain funding to implement their ideas, and to assist the implementation of the projects, to give advice for big and small issues. Of course lots of information is available but how to find it and how to interpret it? And isn’t it a bit crazy that the rules and procedures can be so different between the different EC funding programmes?
This is also why I like the trainings, people from all over come together for a few days to of course listen to the lectures and take part in the workshops, but also to learn from each others’ experiences. And actually EU projects is all about that, the best and surely most enjoyable projects are the ones where people are really cooperating and helping each other to obtain the goals.
I really liked this short movie, a nice reminder of the pleasure of helping and how we together can make it better. Have a look and get inspired :)