European Funding Academy Competition


European Funding Academy is back this summer from 11 to 15 of June in Budapest with two days on Horizon 2020 Proposal Development and Horizon 2020 Project Management and Finances the following two days. Sounds like lots of knowledge to assimilate, right?

But this year’s edition brings something new: we will have an optional 5th day (13 June) with 3 simultaneous sessions to choose from:

  • H2020 Proposal Evaluation Simulation

  • Consortium Agreement and Legal Issues

  • 90-minute Individual Consultancy

The second good news is that now you can attend it for free by winning a free seat for the whole week.


Send us a video not longer than a minute in which you explain what your future plans are in using Horizon 2020 funding and how you think the European Funding Academy could help you achieve them.

Check out our video here.

Send us the video at e-mail address, using a Dropbox link, Google drive or any other tool for file sharing or feel free to share it on your social networks using the hashtag #AskEuropaMedia. Please note that your post needs to be public, otherwise the video is not visible and we cannot see it.

The winning person will receive access to all Europa Media sessions, workshops, the optional day as well as access to the social programmes. Please be aware that Europa Media is not responsible for travelling and accommodation expenses of the future winner.


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