New Horizon 2020 Training Programmes

With even more workshops and real-life examples from Europa Media



We are happy to announce all-new training programmes on Horizon 2020 this autumn: H2020 Finance Academy, H2020 Proposal Writing Academy and an updated version of our H2020 Project Management and Finance training course.

All three courses are based on our direct experience with H2020 proposals and projects and we have introduced even better tailored practical and interactive exercises, new workshops and additional case studies from our 16 running Horizon 2020 projects.


Take a look at our brand-new courses and see which one fits your needs better:


Horizon 2020 Proposal Writing Academy

Lasting 3 days + an optional day on MSCA ITN proposal writing



Based on the numerous requests received during our successful Proposal Development trainings, we decided to extend this course with a full day on simulating the evaluation of H2020 proposals and to add an optional 4th day focusing on Marie Curie Actions.

During this intensive training, you will practice proposal writing through various practical workshops which have been designed based on our own Horizon 2020 proposal and evaluation examples.

Pursue an “impact-driven” thinking when getting started, develop your proposal concept step-by-step, define sound objectives and an effective work plan, build your ideal consortium, and wrap it up with a realistic budget during our training course.

After you learn all what it takes to put together a competitive proposal, you will have a chance to become an evaluator and experience the evaluation process first-hand to better understand this critical stage of the selection process in Horizon 2020.

If you think you are ready to transform your ideas into highly competitive proposals, then join us in Budapest on the 16th-19th of October.

This programme has a special early-bird discount during July and August!



Horizon 2020 Finance Academy

A complete emergence into the world of H2020 project finances.



If you feel like you need a complete training from A to Z and you are tired of reading never-ending reports and manuals or incomplete training presentations, then this is the right programme for you to get a comprehensive understanding on all there is about finances in Horizon 2020, from budgeting to post-project European Commission audits.

This 4-day training programme will show you how to:

  • Correctly apply the financial rules of Horizon 2020;
  • Plan a robust and sound project budget;
  • Control the rules as well as your room to manoeuvre within your budget;
  • Establish a sound financial management and bookkeeping system;
  • Prepare and submit the financial statements correctly;
  • Manage recourses, cost, reallocations, and adjustments;
  • Be prepared and to understand fully the audit process.

If you are ready to get down to business and master your H2020 financial skills once and for all, join us in Budapest on the 16th-19th of October.

This programme has a special early-bird discount during July!



Horizon 2020 Project Management and Finance

With new workshops and scenarios



Our 2-day training course will introduce the first crucial steps for getting a Horizon 2020 project started on the right foot, provide practical tips to ensure a clear technical implementation of your project, and go into the issues of financial management and reporting. This edition will include a brand-new workshop on H2020 project management through role-play exercises and case scenarios.

We recommend this course to those who are involved in the everyday implementation and/or financial management of Horizon 2020 projects as well as to those who have just started implementing their project as a partner or coordinator and do not yet have an in-depth knowledge on Horizon 2020 financial issues.

Join us in Vienna on the 11th -12th of December and gain the confidence you need to manage your H2020 project successfully tackling all the issues that might arise!


Summers are short, start planning your autumn proposal writing season now. If you want to know more about any of the new courses, feel free to write Sara directly for further information. Of course, we still have our always popular flagship course: Master of Finance and Administration and EC audits both in Barcelona (26-28 September) and Madrid (21-23 November).


See you in Barcelona, Budapest, Madrid or Vienna!


Europa Media's training team.



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