INCO activities in a nutshell

International cooperation in Research and Innovation

The INCO division of the DG Research and Innovation, more precisely the Unit D3 — European Neighbourhood, Africa and Gulf has made a nice effort in preparing a booklet presenting all the coordination and support action (CSA) projects of International Cooperation financed under the ‘Capacities’ programme (FP7).

The information is well organised by country and regional chapter and gives all the basic information and also the project website and the contact details to the coordinator, for people who wants to know more.


All this information is of course also available online at the Cordis website, where one can make a quick search and get the same information but fragmented and in a less complete way. And to make a search, we need to know what we want to search for and where… I believe that in our high speed information society, there is an even bigger need for comprehensive publications and summaries, what do you think? 

The publication that provoked these thoughts, Projects in support of international research and innovation cooperation gives a nice introduction to the different projects going on worldwide to support the research cooperation with third countries.

Maybe you get inspired to search for more information and learn more about International cooperation in Research and Innovation?

Check it out and enjoy the reading!

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