2011’s last training prepares Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP)

applicants for the first deadlines of 2012



Two intensive days dedicated to project proposal development under the EU’s Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) has attracted people from all over Europe to come to Budapest and learn about the application process and tips and tricks of putting together competitive project proposals. Indeed, competition in LLP is tough; only the best of the best project concepts are awarded grants.

LLP is the EU’s funding programme in the education and training fields. Through its sectoral sub-programmes (Comenius, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig), it addresses different stages of education and training as well as target groups.

The submission deadlines also vary according to sub-programme. Calls for proposals under LLP are now open (http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/llp/funding/2012/call_lifelong_learning_2012.php ); so it was just about time to learn how to develop a competitive proposal.

And, as always, it was not only about training, but lots of networking and European interaction. At the evening of the first day, the participants enjoyed Budapest’s beautiful Christmas market at the Vörösmarty square, where, with a nice coincidence, a spectacular light show also took place on the famous historical Gerbeaud House.




This was the last training of Europa Media in 2011, but of course we are going to be back next year with many new activities! The courses for the first half of 2012 are already scheduled and published on our homepage (www.eutrainingsite.com) with detailed information about the courses and possibility to register.

 We hope to see you in 2012! :)



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