Spring is also for Horizon Europe news Europa Media Trainings
Autumn Training Course Calendar

Our autumn calendar is OUT NOW, and you can already check it out here.

Seize the chance and register for any of our autumn course with a 15% discount. Use this code at checkout: EMTAUTUMN2024

Plan your autumn and enjoy your summer holidays with your seat already reserved!

selected events Upcoming online courses

We are happy to welcome you to our new, shorter, more focused online courses in this season:

selected events Upcoming face-to-face courses

Want to join us in person? Explore our next onsite courses around Europe:

See all upcoming courses
From our blog

Our Senior Project Manager Maria Beatriz Rosell gives a series of practical tips to prepare for the kick-off meeting of your Horizon Europe project. Check out this article on our Blog.

Latest news in Horizon Europe
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