Lump sum budgeting-How to prepare the mandatory detailed budget table? (January 2024)

37 min
€ 24.9 + VAT may apply*

If you have been scrolling through the Horizon Europe calls for proposals recently, you may have noticed that more and more of them have Lump Sum instead of Action Grant Budget-Based as the type of funding. The shift is visible, and the Programme will be going towards Lump Sum calls more and more in the future. 

This means that the budgeting we are used to needs to change: we need more details, more planning and definitely more time. As Lump Sum is here to stay, this webinar is meant to introduce how we approach budgeting in this type of funding, how the table looks like and what we need to pay attention to. 

Topics covered 

  • Lump Sum budgeting essentials. 

  • Input needed from the partners for a successful budget development. 

  • Introducing the mandatory detailed budget table and tips on how to fill it out and common mistakes.

The webinar is accessible for 12 months after the purchase under "My Account".

  • Trainer
    Gabriella Lovász
    Trainer & Consultant, Managing Director of Europa Media