Excluding a partner from the consortium (September 2024)

43 min
€ 24.9 + VAT may apply*

No coordinator creates a consortium with the idea that they will have to exclude a partner, but as there is no such thing as perfect project implementation, sometimes we find ourselves in the situation when we need to take this difficult step of terminating the participation of one of our partners. 


Topics covered: 

  • When to consider excluding a partner? 

  • What are the necessary steps before this decision? 

  • What are the technical steps of starting the process of termination? 

  • Possible obstacles and mistakes in the process? 

  • Communication with the Project Officer. 


Who is this webinar for?   

This webinar is for anyone who is currently implementing or planning to be a coordinator of a Horizon Europe project. Even if you have a great and cooperative consortium, there are several factors that can lead to partners exclusion and it’s important to be prepared. 

Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst – don't let the procedures of partner exclusion surprise you and halt your implementation! 


Why Europa Media?    

Europa Media is Europe’s leading provider of practical training courses on EU’s research and innovation programmes. We have 25 years of experience in developing and implementing projects under the Framework Programmes. Under Horizon 2020, we have been involved successfully in over 30 projects, coordinating six of them. Under the first work programmes of Horizon Europe, we are currently involved in 11 collaborative projects, coordinating one of them. Europa Media’s trainers are actual project managers, coordinators, and financial administrators of these projects, sharing their stories and providing you with hands-on tips based on their everyday experience. For the past 20 years, they have been supporting all the major institutions as well as several of the NCPs in the Member States and countries associated to the Framework Programmes. This event, as always, has been designed based on our direct hands-on experience with EU research and innovation proposals and is, therefore, 100% practice-driven. Our practical approach has attracted over 10,000 participants from all over the world in the past 15 years. Read more about our projects here

  • Trainer
    Jelena Kajganovic
    Trainer and Project Manager