Master of Finance Horizon 2020 - How to keep your costs on track and the cost control of your partners?
45 mins
€ 69
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It seems your budget was a wishful thinking compare to your real costs? Your PM-rate was overestimated?
Your coordinator wants to check your costs? Or your partners’ reports seem unrealistic?
Discover how to set up an efficient cost tracking system for you and your partners, and internal reporting protocols to avoid headaches during periodic reporting!
Discussion topics:
- How to keep the costs tracked?
- The power of excel sheets, or do you need at all any management tool?
- Templates and techniques to keep your spending under control
- Cooperation with accounting and payroll
- How to set up an efficient timesheet system
- Calculating facility/equipment costs
- And many, many more
The webinar is accessible for 90 days after the purchase under "My Account".