Review meeting: how to be prepared (May 2020)

45 mins
€ 0

Are you dreading your upcoming project review meeting? This webinar will cover all the stages in preparation for your review meeting.

Explore what happens in the period before the review, how to prepare yourself and your partners, how the review process goes and what to do when you find out the outcome of your review.

Our speaker will share with you some practical examples from previous reviews and also provide you with the best tips and tricks on how to get prepared. This webinar is not only for coordinators, work package leaders, and project partners can join to learn how the review meeting is structured and how to get prepared more easily.  

Discussion topics:

  • Prepare for your review- description of EC procedure, how to prepare your presentations, agenda, how to do a ‘test run’ with your consortium.
  • Learn what happens during the review- protocol, what to expect from the reviewers and Project officer.
  • The day after- Expert review report, how to handle the changes required in the report, best tips and tricks from our experience.

Gain information on how the review process is managed from the EC, what to expect and how to prepare yourself to deliver an effective presentation and how to handle the outcome of the review meeting