Capitalising the full potential of on-line collaboration for SMEs innovation support in the Agri-Food ecosystem

INNO-4-AGRIFOOD was set on fostering and stimulating online collaboration for innovation amongst the more than 11 million SMEs active within the European Agri-food ecosystem. To this end, the project enhanced the service portfolio and practices of innovation intermediaries and SME support networks across Europe by providing them with a well-tailored blend of demand-driven value propositions, including:

  • A new generation of value added innovation support services aimed at empowering their agri-food SME clients to create and capture value from online collaboration for innovation, access a broader range of suitable innovation partners across sectoral and national borders and timely mobilise them in order to seize opportunities for animating innovation projects.
  • A suite of smart and platform-independent ICT tools to support and optimise the delivery of the novel online collaboration for innovation support services, enabling them to take full advantage of the multiple online collaboration and innovation platforms that currently host smaller or larger parts of the Agri-food ecosystem.
  • A series of easy-to-follow and flexible e-training courses, conveniently available via a highly interactive e-learning environment, that equipped them with the knowledge and skills required to successfully deliver the innovation support services of INNO-4-AGRIFOOD.

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