Dissemination and Communication in Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe: Part II

Long-time existing tools and channels

Dissemination and Communication in Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe: Part II
The EC has recognized that many beneficiaries face challenges of identifing the most appropriate means for disseminating their project results and therefore, there are plenty of tools that help you build the most efficient strategy.

Whether your project is organising a public event, a press demonstration or has just delivered a set of exciting results: the European Commission may be able to help you spread the word! In our previous post, we have gone through some of the new(er) tools, but let's see what EC has in place for us for a while:


Success Stories on the Commission's Research & Innovation website 

Success Stories report on recent developments in research and innovation in Europe and beyond and are devoted purely to projects. Suitable stories to be published on the site are selected daily. 


CORDIS News and Events service 

CORDIS (Community Research and Development Information Service) is the European Commission's research results portal. 

CORDIS News looks at recent developments in research and innovation in Europe and beyond, focusing on political matters, interviews, events, and projects, as well as any other news related to research and innovation in Europe. Suitable stories to be published on the site are selected daily. 

The CORDIS News and Events service allows you to browse and find the latest news from EU-funded research projects and forthcoming events. 

CORDIS journalists collect and write articles on current research and innovation activities, including project interviews from the research*eu results magazine, trending science news, reporting on events, funding opportunities, and suggestions from readers. These articles are available in six languages. 



A regular online magazine from CORDIS highlights the most promising project outcomes in a range of domains, with a focus on a particular theme in every issue. It features highlights from the most exciting EU-funded research and development projects. It is published ten times per year in English. It mainly covers the research areas of biology and medicine, energy and transport, environment and society, IT and telecommunications, and industrial technologies. You can contact your project officer about any exciting project outcomes. Furthermore, a journalist contracted by the European Commission may contact you.

For help in using CORDIS services or questions about CORDIS content, you can contact the CORDIS Help Desk by email:   or by phone: +352 2929 42210 (multilingual team available from Monday to Friday, from 08:30 to 18:00 CET). 

Social media: EU Research Results @CORDIS_EU 

Do you want to be featured on the @CORDIS_EU Twitter #header? Send a team photo #H2020 to  


Horizon magazine 

Horizon brings you the latest news and features about thought-provoking science and innovative research projects funded by the EU. The articles are written by independent science journalists and are designed to appeal to scientists and non-scientists alike. Innovative research projects' stories on the latest EU-funded research are mixed with interviews with leading scientists. 

Horizon is published in English on behalf of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research and Innovation and is available on desktop and mobile devices. They're also active on social media. For story suggestions or questions to the editor, send an email to: 


Co-publications or editorial partnerships 

The European Commission works with private publishers and international organisations to promote the dissemination of relevant publications. Scientific publications and books, including conference proceedings, may be co-published in this way. Your project officer can give you further information on the possibilities. 


Events on the Commission's Research & Innovation website  

This website displays research-related conferences and events. A form must be submitted here to suggest an event to be listed in the events calendar. The event must be relevant to the Research and Innovation activities of the European Union. Although there is no guarantee that the event will be added, it is still worth giving it a try as the calendar managers would certainly consider it for listing. 


Conferences and events organised by the European Commission

Throughout the year, the European Commission (co-)organises various conferences, both in Brussels and elsewhere. These may include exhibition areas or sessions where you could present your work. Don't hesitate to contact your project officer if you have suitable exhibition items (prototypes, demonstrators). 


Audiovisual: Euronews Magazines 

These are short documentary-style television magazines in various European languages, appearing on the EuroNews channel throughout Europe. EuroNews has editorial independence, but the European Commission contacts them to suggest good stories. Since it is television, this is interesting for visually appealing projects and demonstration activities. You can contact your project officer if you want your project to be put forward. Three programmes might be relevant for project communication: 

  1. Sci-tech: Providing the latest science and hi-tech news across an in-depth look at scientific developments from Europe & the World, all as a Video on demand. https://www.euronews.com/programs/sci-tech
  2. Futuris: Disseminating the latest news about the leading scientific and technological research projects in Europe. https://www.euronews.com/programs/futuris 
  3. Ocean: Explores the themes of pollution and marine life, the blue economy, sustainable fishing, aquaculture, climate change, ocean energy, and more. It also looks at the policies and projects designed to protect our seas. https://www.euronews.com/programs/ocean.


Open access scientific publishing Openaire 

The Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe is an electronic gateway for peer-reviewed articles and other important scientific publications (pre-prints or conference publications). 

What can OpenAIRE do for you? 

If you are a researcher, they can help you: 

*find all the publications and data of your project 

*disseminate your research outputs 

*comply with EC and national funders' Open Access policies for publications and data 

If you are a project manager, they can help you: 

*collect all of your projects' outputs in one place 

*comply with EC and national funders' Open Access policies for publications and data 

If you are a repository manager, they can help you: 

*streamline the interoperability between your repository and the EC's reporting tool for publications 

*increase your visibility 

If you are a funder, they can help you: 

*keep track of all research output funded by your funding stream 

*keep track of the availability of Open Access research output stemming from your funding stream 

*gain greater insight into your funding impact through tailor-made statistics 



Zenodo is an all-purpose open research repository. OpenAIRE and CERN created it to provide a place for researchers to deposit publications, datasets, and other research artifacts such as code, posters, presentations... Zenodo does not impose any requirements on the format, size, access restrictions, or license and is not restricted to one funder or nation. It is free to use for all research outputs from across all fields. 

It launched in 2013, allowing researchers in any subject area to upload files up to 50 GB. 

Zenodo has integration with GitHub to make code hosted in GitHub citable.

We tackle the issue of dissemination and communication on various courses we offer - check out our autumn calendar or book a consultancy session focused on dissemination and communication aspect of your project!


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