The overall objective of the Climate-Water project is to study European and international adaptation measures and strategies related to climate change impacts and how these are taken into account in water policies. The project is formulating a coherent framework on adaptation strategies of climate change impacts on water resources, water cycling and water uses of the society and nature with special regard to those that water policy has to take into account when considering climate change impacts.
The final symposium of Climate Water project will introduce the major results of the project, such as
- Climate change impacts on the hydrological cycle, water resources and water management reviewed for major topic categories: Impacts on the society and economy as direct impacts on life and health of the population; Indirect impacts on the society through direct impacts on economic activities; Water related impacts on nature, terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
- Adaptation strategies are the most important results, being reviewed in 6 major categories: water demand side, supply side, damage prevention, main water industries, adaptive capacities and control of water pollution.
- The identified research needs, where 11 very important new or novel fields are considered, such as ecohydrology. The final output is a list of advises to upgrade water-impact related EU policies, such as a novel approach to WFD/RBMP and new strategies to flood control.
13 October,2011
- Session on the analysis and synthesis of water related climate change impacts
- Session on the analysis and synthesis of metodologies of adaptation measures
14 October, 2011
- Session on the identification of research needs
- Session in identifying and bridging gaps in water realted European policies
All conclusions of the symposium discussions will be uploaded to the document library on the platform. Please note that the number of participants is limited.
Co-organised event: PSI Connect Training workshop
How to connect policy and science for improved water resources management: A practical introduction to Knowledge Brokering
Date: 12 October 2011
Venue: VITUKI Environmental Protection and Water Management Research Institute
For more information and registration please download the brochure and application form or contact directly the organisers.
Climate Water final symposium
Ms. Szilvia Godor
PSI-Connect Training
Dr. Catarina Henriques