The EC has released an Audit Guide for Horizon Europe Europa Media Trainings
chairs on a beach

Dear reader,

As we’re heading into the infamous month of “I wonder who is working this August”, some of you may be busy wrapping up their proposals for the upcoming open call deadlines, some may be getting ready for their periodic project reporting, while others are sipping cocktails by the beach.

Whichever your status is right now, there is some important news that came out from the European Commission: the Indicative Audit Programme (IAP) for the EU Funding Programmes 2021-2027, including Horizon Europe.

While the tool is mainly meant for EU Auditors, it will be useful also for the beneficiaries as it defines the general principles and the overview of the process.

Are you getting ready for your first audit? Sounds scary? Not if you’ve been through previous EC Audits, like us. To learn more about our first-hand experience and get tips from a beneficiary perspective on the audit process, we recommend you these two courses coming up in September.

Join our Personnel cost calculation and reporting in EU funded projects 2021-2027" on 12-13 September in Barcelona, during which you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of the personnel cost related financial obligations of the main EU programmes, such as Horizon Europe, Digital Europe, LIFE, Erasmus+, IMI – Innovative Medicines Initiative, EMFAF - European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund, EIT KIC, European Defence Fund and many others. From actual cost to lump sum, this practice-driven course will address your questions and concerns from budgeting to audits with an emphasis on your own cases.

Become a Horizon Europe Master of Finance and EC Audits on 25-27 September in Brussels, which explores more specifically all the financial regulations, calculation of the eligible costs and reporting protocols of the entire Horizon Europe programme. Over the course of 3 days, you’ll jump into the theoretical aspects of financial rules, which you’ll put in practice through a workshop on cost reporting and another one on EC financial audits.

See all upcoming courses
selected events Upcoming online courses

If finance is not your cup of tea, then check out our 3h online courses coming up this autumn:

selected events Recorded webinars

Alternatively, dig into our vast repertoire of recorded webinars on all sorts of topics, such as:

That’s it for today, folks! Whether you've already returned from your holidays or are yet to go, we wish you a wonderful time and hope to see you in September!

Have a great time!

PS: I shouldn’t be revealing this just yet, but... the free webinars are coming back on the first week of September! 🤫 More info coming soon!

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