Tips and news on EU Projects Europa Media Trainings
Prepare for Horizon Europe!
20% off our Horizon Europe courses
Let's use the magic of new beginnings to kick off 2022 in style. Take a peek at our upcoming EU project management and proposal writing courses, and get 20% off your registration right away with this voucher code:

Offer valid until 28 January 2022.
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tip of the month Tips from our experts
Proposal Writing: Concept and style go hand in hand

When writing your proposal make sure the style and the words you use make your concept easy to follow. Include a blend of keywords, buzz-words and EU English.

The idea is key to the proposal but leave some time to edit and proofread everything so that your thoughts are concise and easy to follow.

Check out our free learning materials here and templates here
questions and answers Q&A from our participants
Finance: Are seconded employees and subcontractors charged in the same way?

No, they aren't. Seconded employees are charged at a cost level, so one must prove that the secondment cost is a cost that is transferred from the organisation that employs that colleague and seconds it to you. In contrast, subcontractors are general, market-based contracts, where the agreed price would generally include the profit of the subcontractor. The latter is charged as subcontracting costs, and no overheads will be added to that.
Upcoming webinars
Understanding your target audience in your Horizon Europe proposals
Join this 45-minute webinar filled with practical examples on choosing, selecting, and defining the right target audience for your proposal. Learn how to develop a stakeholder map and ways to connect your key audiences to make your proposal successful.
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Get it right! - Horizon Europe Proposal Writing Series
A series of three 90-minute-long webinars to make sure your Horizon Europe proposal is excellent before submitting. You can attend the whole series or each session separately.
Join us!
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selected events Event
Learn about the legal and financial aspects of the Model Grant Agreement at Horizon Europe Coordinators’ Day. The event will be streamed live on YouTube.

Date: 26 January, 09:30 - 12:45 CET
Learn more
selected calls Open call
Apply to the Hop On Facility call and include partners from the Widening countries in your running EU project.

Deadline: 20 April and 10 November 2022
Check the call
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