Tips and news on EU Projects
September 2022
Europa Media Trainings
Do you have what it takes to become a Horizon Europe project coordinator?

Starting as a project manager with a brand-new Horizon Europe project could not sound more thrilling! But, let's be honest, it can also be a little bit daunting, given the numerous challenges and responsibilities ahead.

In this blog post, our colleague, Carolina Rodríguez Balda, describes her first months as a project manager.

Stay tuned for more posts about the journey of a project manager and suggest the topics you would like us to explore further!

tip of the month Tips from our experts

Working together means delegating!

As a proposal coordinator, you must ask for help!

It is useful if you have an assigned so-called proposal writer who will ensure that all contributions come into place and the style is uniform at the end.

The partners must understand that their contribution, ideas, and concepts are vital for the project and that they are a part of the bigger picture because only with collaboration will the proposal succeed.

Apart from delegating, read what else our managing director and experienced project manager, Gabriella Lovasz, suggests regarding the first tasks and the first steps on your Horizon Europe project journey!

questions and answers Q&A from our participants

Is the Grant Agreement signed only by the coordinator and the Consortium Agreement by all the partners?

The Grant Agreement is signed by all the beneficiaries: the coordinator is signing it directly with the European Commission, and the partners are signing Accession Forms to be attached to the GA.

The Consortium Agreement is signed between all the partners in the consortium.

You can find the General Model Grant Agreement and its annotated version on the Funding & Tenders Portal under Guiding Documents for Horizon Europe. The most widely used template for the CA is the DESCA model, which you can find here.

September Horizon Europe webinar and courses
Join our new webinar series this September and start managing your recently funded projects with the right foot!

Check out how our experts can help you with preparatory tasks and the initial first steps of your project implementation and apply to the webinar series Get it right! - From Grant Agreement to Continuous Reporting (21-23 September, online)

Join us!
Join our upcoming face-to-face courses in Brussels and Budapest!

Horizon Europe Project Development and Management - Junior edition
(28-30 September in Budapest)

We are waiting for 15 newcomers and junior staff members in our office in Budapest to discuss writing and submitting competitive proposals, introduce basic financial rules and principles and budget development, and cover project management tools, procedures, and novelties under Horizon Europe.

Join us!

Horizon Europe Project Management and Financial Reporting
(27-29 September in Brussels)

We welcome you to our course in Brussels, where we will go through project management novelties and financial rules and reporting using practical tips and real-life examples from our practice.

Join us!
See all autumn face-to-face courses and webinars
selected events Conference

The City as a Lab, but now for real!

"Re-working open innovation environments for inclusive, green and digital transition through emerging technologies"

Join this annual global gathering of Living Labs organised by the European Network of Living Labs in Turin, Italy, 20-23 September.

Read more and register for the event here - the spots are limited!

selected events Virtual event

We also invite you to join the fall edition of Virtual Learning Lab 2022, organised by the European Network of Living Labs!

Fast-track your learning through lectures and interactive sessions, a case study approach, and hands-on assignments to apply the learnings in your own context, within 8-week sessions, starting on October 4!

Read more and reserve your access in time!
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