How to rank first with equal scores

Imagine, that you got 14.5 points in the evaluation – just like another proposal, and they got the funding…Gabriella explains why.

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Turning Rejection into Opportunity: How to Revive Your Horizon Europe Proposal
Turning Rejection into Opportunity: How to Revive Your Horizon Europe Proposal

Rejection is tough, especially when you've invested so much effort into your Horizon Europe proposal. But a rejected proposal is far from the end. Instead, it's a chance to refine your ideas and come back even stronger. Discover how to analyse feedback, rally your consortium, and realign your submission for a successful resubmission. With persistence and the right strategy, your hard work can still lead to success. 

Data-driven narratives in EU projects
Data-driven narratives in EU projects

"Overall, data-driven narratives serve as powerful tools for transmitting information, influencing opinions, and driving action thanks to the credibility and persuasive power of data presented in a unique way." 



The “non-draft” AGA for EU Grants 2021-2027: First impressions
The “non-draft” AGA for EU Grants 2021-2027: First impressions
The “Thing” we all have been anxiously waiting for, for a few years now – and sometimes thinking whether it may just never happen as well – has happened: the non-draft (final?) version of the Annotated Grant Agreement (AGA) is out and ready to be downloaded from the F&T portal!  

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