Tips and news on EU Projects
Europa Media Trainings
Coming up in 2021: a new webinar season
New year, new webinars on Horizon Europe. Did we mention they’re FREE?

Let’s kick start this season with more knowledge on new partnership schemes and initiatives and top tools to boost communication, dissemination, and exploitation.
tip of the month Tips from our experts
The European Council faces a new presidency, and the new headquarter has already flying flags made from recycled materials recovered from the sea

As of January 2021, Portugal is taking over the presidency at a particularly difficult moment, requiring decisive and wide-ranging action.
questions and answers Q&A from our participants
Can maternity leave and sick leave payments be included in H2020 personnel cost calculation?

Maternity leave or sick leave payments can be included in H2020 personnel cost calculation only if it is paid by the company in general. If it is paid by government support, then it cannot be part of the cost calculation for your H2020 project.
Upcoming webinars
What is new in Horizon Europe
This webinar focuses on the changes for those who know Horizon 2020. It will not introduce the programme from scratch for beginners!
Join us!
28th January | 14:00 CET
Master of Finance Series
3 days, 3 episodes, and plenty of finance wisdom. Join the Master of Finance Series and discover all the financial issues of Research and Innovation projects.
Join us!
9th – 11th February | 14:00 CET

See more webinars
events EU Green Week 2021
The European Green Week 2021 will be dedicated to the ‘zero pollution ambition’. It will look at other relevant European Green Deal initiatives, such the climate initiatives, the upcoming Chemicals Strategy, as well as initiatives in the field of energy, industry, mobility, agriculture, fisheries, health and biodiversity.
Date: May 31st to June 4th 2021.
Apply to help find innovative solutions that will allow tracking all commercial freight trains, from all railway undertakings, covering the whole European network.
The aim is to provide real time information about the train, accessible to all, including information on the location, departure, destination, composition and punctuality.
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