The importance of internal reporting: ensuring timely delivery of periodic reports for Horizon Europe projects
The importance of internal reporting: ensuring timely delivery of periodic reports for Horizon Europe projects
When it comes to Horizon Europe projects, effective project management and monitoring are key to ensuring success. One crucial aspect of this is internal reporting, which plays a vital role in the timely delivery of periodic reports.
Horizon Europe Info Days: How to get the maximum out of them
Horizon Europe Info Days: How to get the maximum out of them

Do you want to learn more about research and innovation funding opportunities in your area of interest?

Then don’t miss the Horizon Europe (HE) Info Days.   

5 FREE Horizon Europe webinars you need to attend
5 FREE Horizon Europe webinars you need to attend

Join us for free this September to leverage your Horizon Europe knowledge

How to Begin a Successful Proposal Writing Journey
How to Begin a Successful Proposal Writing Journey

Embarking on a Horizon Europe project is an exciting opportunity for researchers, innovators, and organizations to contribute to scientific advancements. However, to secure funding and maximize the chances of success, a well-crafted proposal is essential. In this blog post, we will guide you through the initial steps of proposal writing. Let's dive in! 

How to prevent deliverable delays and avoid changes in task leads?
How to prevent deliverable delays and avoid changes in task leads?
When dealing with the coordination of a project, you have to be prepared to deal with delays in the work, non-performing partners, and project deviations.
5 cool ideas for eco-friendly and sustainable dissemination materials and merchandise
5 cool ideas for eco-friendly and sustainable dissemination materials and merchandise

Making a greener impact with your EU project

Working with your Project Officer: first steps on establishing an effective everyday relationship
Working with your Project Officer: first steps on establishing an effective everyday relationship

So, congratulations on your winning proposal! Now that you have passed the proposal phase, you will start dealing with the Grant Agreement preparation (GAP) process and hear from your Project Officer (PO) for the first time!

Co-coordination in Horizon Europe projects: How does it work?
Co-coordination in Horizon Europe projects: How does it work?

Are you a part of a Horizon Europe project?

Then you know that coordination is key to its success. But, have you ever wondered who is behind the scenes making sure everything runs smoothly? Meet the co-coordinator, the secret weapon of the project.  

Top 6 tips to build a winning consortium
Top 6 tips to build a winning consortium

Building a consortium is an essential step towards submitting a successful Horizon Europe proposal. It is a challenging process that requires time, effort, and strategic planning. Here are some tips that will increase your chances of assembling a winning consortium. 

Geographical representation in the consortium – Who do you bring on board?
Geographical representation in the consortium – Who do you bring on board?

From Ireland to Bulgaria and from Spain to Finland – who should you bring on board to participate in your consortium and carry out your project idea?

This is a common dilemma of many coordinators and with all those impact changes that Horizon Europe brought about (check them here) – is this element affected as well? 

Project meetings in the post-COVID era: How to make them efficient
Project meetings in the post-COVID era: How to make them efficient

Practical tips to make your hybrid meetings more efficient

Lost in Translation - the internally invoiced goods and services
Lost in Translation - the internally invoiced goods and services
The all-new Horizon Europe Annotated Grant Agreement out on Fool’s day – are we fooled?  - Part 3