Your Horizon Europe Proposal – The First Steps
Your Horizon Europe Proposal – The First Steps
Developing a good project concept and proposal under Horizon Europe can sound like a big chunk at first. But like all complex tasks, it also can be split into several smaller ones...
 What a difference a day makes?
What a difference a day makes?

Time-keeping requirements, and how many hours make a day

Should we work with Hungarian entities in EU projects?
Should we work with Hungarian entities in EU projects?
“ATTENTION: Avoid funding from your EU grant to Hungarian entities …” did you read further? 
The all-new Horizon Europe Annotated Grant Agreement out on Fool’s day – are we fooled?
How to start the collaboration with your sister project(s)
How to start the collaboration with your sister project(s)
A short guide for communication managers 
Europa Media goes to EARMA Conference
Europa Media goes to EARMA Conference
Join our trainers for a week of networking and learning in Prague  
Consortium Agreement models – DESCA vs MCARD (Part II.)
Consortium Agreement models – DESCA vs MCARD (Part I.)
Research collaboration vs research cooperation
Research collaboration vs research cooperation
What is the difference between collaboration with EU-funded projects, Other scientific collaboration, and Other scientific cooperation?
Impact – the core novelty of Horizon Europe
Impact – the core novelty of Horizon Europe
Even if we can’t exactly consider Horizon Europe programme new anymore (this being its third year), it is crucial to understand its differences from H2020 when approaching our proposal writing process.
Top 5 tips for a new Horizon Europe proposal coordinator
Top 5 tips for a new Horizon Europe proposal coordinator
If you have an excellent idea that corresponds to one of the Horizon Europe topics and you feel confident enough to take the role of the coordinator - this post is for you!
Get inspired by Gabor's disruptive mindset and approach to finance as a facilitator bridging the gap between accountants and researchers
Get inspired by Gabor's disruptive mindset and approach to finance as a facilitator bridging the gap between accountants and researchers

We recently caught up with Gabor before his course in Lisbon and learned about his extensive experience, entertaining anecdotes from previous courses, his favourite parts of teaching, and questions he often receives on Horizon Europe costs, audits, and finances.